Virgo can say no.

The independent one

Virgo evaluates the energy coming from Leo and decides what is allowed to move forward. Virgo’s role is to be the one who discernes, purifies and perfects.

Virgo has Earth energy, so just like Taurus Virgo wants to make things tangible. Unlike fixed Taurus, Virgo is mutable. Mutability gives Virgo readiness to experience something new. Even though it’s ready for new things Virgo doesn’t just accept anything it faces. Before releasing the energy further Virgo structures it and finds possible faults. Virgo is like a filter that purifies.

Purity and cleanliness are Virgo traits, and this together the name make Virgo one of the most misunderstood signs. The name had originally nothing to do with being a virgin. In the old days women were usually owned by men, first by their father and then later by their husband. There were, anyhow, always Virgos in the society. Virgos were all the women who were not owned by others. Virgos could be nuns or priestesses, but even prostitutes were Virgos as they could say no. The true meaning of Virgo refers to someone who is not owned and gives the sign the trait of independency.

Virgo purifies and gives structure. Due to its connection Mercury it is also a very intelligent sign. The energy filtered by Virgo needs to distributed in a fair way and this is the task of the following sign, Libra.


Time of a deep transformation


Leo has a heart of a lion.