1 to 1 Astrology Readings and Astrology Workshops

Birth Chart - Your Own Cosmic Blueprint

In a Birth Chart Reading we’ll go through your birth chart which tells your personal energy blueprint based on the time and place of your birth. This energy is something you carry throughout your life.

Your birth chart, also known as natal chart, gives an overview of your personal energies, important life themes, resources and areas of development. It is a powerful tool to know yourself better and helps you to make decisions that are better aligned with your energies.

The reading will be done online. You can choose to have the reading in English, Danish or Finnish. The session will be around 60 minutes, but please reserve another 30 minutes to wind down afterwards.

The reading is more accurate if you know your exact birth time (hour & minute). You can find this from your birth certificate.

Price 1.000 DKK (approx. 134 €)

Solar Return - Your Year Ahead

In a Solar Return Reading you get to know your astrological energies for the year ahead and how things are likely to unfold.

Your Solar Return Reading is based on the moment when the Sun is back in its original position where it was when you were born. A Solar Return happens yearly around the time of your birthday and gives a new energy signature for the following 12 months. You get the most out of this reading if you choose to have it around your birthday.

Please note that I highly recommend that you know your birth chart first, so that you have a solid understanding of your energies. Please book a Birth Chart Reading before a Solar Return unless you already have had a birth chart reading either by me or by another astrologer. You can also book a 2 in 1 reading including both Birth Chart and Solar Return.

The reading will be done online. You can choose to have the reading in English, Danish or Finnish. The session will be around 45 minutes, but please reserve another 15 minutes to wind down afterwards.

The reading is more accurate if you know your exact birth time (hour & minute). You can find this from your birth certificate.

Price 750 DKK (approx. 100 €)

2 in 1 Reading

In a 2 in 1 Reading we go through both your Birth Chart and your Solar Return Chart for the year ahead.

First we’ll take a look into your birth chart. The birth chars tells your personal energy blueprint based on the time and place of your birth. This energy is something you carry throughout your life. Your birth chart gives an overview of your personal energies, important life themes, resources and areas of development. It is a powerful tool to know yourself better and helps you to make decisions that are better aligned with your energies.

Then we’ll go to your solar return chart which tells about energies for the year ahead and how things are likely to unfold. Solar return is based on the moment when the Sun is back on its original position where it was when you were born. The solar return happens yearly around the time of your birthday and gives a new energy signature for the following 12 months. You get the most out of the solar return if you choose to have the reading around your birthday.

The reading will be done online. You can choose to have the reading in English, Danish or Finnish. The session will be around 90 minutes, but please reserve another 30 minutes to wind down afterwards.

The reading is more accurate if you know your exact birth time (hour & minute). You can find this from your birth certificate.

Price 1.250 DKK (approx. 168 €)

Astrology Workshops

An Astrology Workshop is suitable for a group of friends, birthdays, bachelorette parties, team buildings and alike. Group size 3-8 people.

In the Astrology Workshops we will learn together about “The Big 3” of your charts: the Sun, the Moon and the Rising Sign. We learn how these placements affect you individually and what kind of similarities you have which each other.

The Rising Sign tells about the first impression you make, the Sun how you shine in the World and the Moon about your inner reality.

We will start the workshop with shortly going through all Zodiac signs, modalities and some other basic astrological principles so that you can better understand logic behind the system before we dive deeper into “The Big 3”.

Duration 90 min.

Available in English, Danish and Finnish

Only available in Copenhagen area.

Price: Varies depending on amount of participants and location.

Looking forward to see you!