Change of heart
Venus and Mercury are going retrograde together
Venus - the planet of love, beauty, and relationships - will go retrograde on March the 2nd. Venus retrogrades call for a deep reflection of your relationships and what truly matters.
Venus begins its retrograde at 10 degrees of fiery Aries asking you to reconsider how you pursue pleasure. Venus backs into dreamy Pisces on March 27th. In Pisces Venus becomes more soft and wants you to take another look on your emotions and how you love and connect.
If you have had issues regarding you love life or other close connections, this retrograde is like to bring the issues up to be resolved. Venus retrogrades have also a tendency to bring back old lovers and friends, so don’t be surprised if someone contacts you.
The Venus retrograde will last until April 7th when Venus is at 24 degrees of Pisces.
What makes this period more important is that planet Mercury starts its own retrograde during the same period and in. the same place. The two planets will be travelling together creating a story.
Mercury - the planet of communication and intellect - starts its retrograde on March 15th at 9 degrees of Aries. Mercury goes retrograde quite frequently, around 3 times a year. Mercury retrogrades can bring challenges in communication. There can come misunderstandings in our relationships especially this time when Venus is also retrograde. You might need to renegotiate and re-evaluate your partnerships and contracts. Mercury will turn direct on April 7th at 26 degrees of Pisces.
Check where you have the retrograde hot zone from 24 degrees of Pisces to 9 degrees of Aries in your Birth Chart. This is the area of life where you need to take another look at your relationships and where decisions and contracts may need to be reconsidered.