Cancer brings good vibes.

Feel your way forward.

After Gemini has intellectualised an impulse and started communicating it Cancer comes along and brings feelings to it.

Cancer is the first water sign of the Zodiac, which are all connected to emotions and inner spiritual knowledge. Cancer has a nurturing aura, which makes people with Cancer energies easy to approach and likeable. Cancer energy just feels good. Cancer can, however, become passiv agressive and go into its shell when it feels threatened. Cancer can become, quite literally, crabby.

Cancer is a cardinal sign, so it wants to take initiative. Cancer energy is not straightforward, but rather feeling itself forward taking steps right and left - just like a crab does.

Cancer cares, nurtures and brings the good vibes. The energy started by Aries has now all the astrological elements: fire, earth, air and water. The energy is now ready to get attention and be shown to the World. It’s time to shine like a Leo.


Rising Sign tells how others see you.


Gemini wants to share what it knows.